Research for Life - The Network for Swiss Scientists

We aim to keep the public informed about the objectives, the importance and the latest results of biomedical research.


We establish the basic principles for dealing with the ethical issues of advances in biomedicine.


We represent the concerns of basic researchers with the authorities and in politics.


We are politically and denominationally independent.


PUBLIKATION  |  08.03.2021

Press Releases

PUBLIKATION  |  23.08.2019


PUBLIKATION  |  22.07.2019

Mice Times #19

Success stories in leukaemia research

PUBLIKATION  |  22.07.2019

Occhio al topo #19 (version italienne)

Storie di successo nella ricerca sulle leucemie

PUBLIKATION  |  26.11.2018

Mice Times #18

Life created in the lab

PUBLIKATION  |  26.11.2018

Occhio al topo #18 (version italienne)

La vita creata in laboratorio

PUBLIKATION  |  01.06.2018

Occhio al topo #17 (version italienne)

Il ritmo della vita – Premio Nobel per la medicina per l'orologio biologico

PUBLIKATION  |  01.06.2018

Mice Times #17

The rhythm of life – Nobel Prize in Medicine for the inner clock

PUBLIKATION  |  01.10.2017

Mice Times #16

Preventing diseases and avoiding disasters

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